Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Another Pinterest Inspired Cat Quilt

I wanted to explore more cat designs on Pinterest. I knew it would help me hone my skills more on making templates and figuring out how to re-create a design I see online or on a book. Pinterest is a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration for quilting. I have pinned many ideas which I hope to try making. Follow me on Pinterest if you have one: https://www.pinterest.com/aileenapolo/. 

Here's the tutorial -

Here are the steps on how I made this cute cat quilt -

1. Drew the design on graphing paper based on the size for my end project. 

2. Rendered the design on manila paper to get an idea of the size. I adjusted a couple of times.

3. Draw the design on a chip board. Cut based on how you will piece together the design. 

4. Cut the fabric. Make sure to add 1/4" around the template. 

5. Piece together. Best to start with the ear area and complete the face and chin. 

6. Add the "background" around the cat face. 

7. Add sides as needed.

8. Iron both sides. 


4 print or solid fabric

thread and needle


graphing paper

manila paper


colored pencils (optional)


9" x 9" x 16"


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